Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A day at nan and pops...........

The other day we popped over to my parents place to spend the day with them and my dad always takes Aaron down to the back yard to feed the chooks with him and check how the veggies are going... and the corn was ready to pick so we all went to to the garden and picked the veggies that were ripe and ready here are some pics.....

                                                                  the  chickens
                                                   Aaron helping pop with the corn
                                              Aaron putting corn in the bucket
                                                     and more corn.....

                                       mum picking the cherry tomatoes

                                           the chooks getting the corn scraps
                                          Aaron trying to carry the bucket
                                            mum and dads beautiful lawn so green
                                             Aaron with his beautiful smile
                                       dad cleaning corn
                                              very nice corn!!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Steves ute

Over the past few months my husband has been doing himself up a work Ute when he first brought it home i didn't know why he had bothered to me it didn't look worth doing up to me the side panels where dented so bad scratches everywhere i almost killed him for getting but he assured me that it would all be OK and he was going make it look great! I really didn't see how it was possible but i just agreed and said yes dear...
He was out side working on his ute everyday he put soooo many hours into it!
   The ute before to much work went into it..... doesnt look that bad on that side it was the other side that was the worst!

                                         Steve putting his hard work into the ute.....
                                         lots of bog needed to fill the dents
                                             sanding sanding sanding......
                                                the tray....
                                          looking better....
                                          Almost ready to paint.....

                          and the painting begins... our very nice neighbour painted the ute for steve

                                          not bad at all.... how wrong was i haha....
well i have to say with all the work that was put into the Ute it definitely paid off i was wrong to doubt my husband he has done a wonderful job and a BIG thank you to our great neighbor nice job!!!

well now just got to get it on the road register it and Steve will have his work Ute even tho now i think it is too good now for a work Ute!!